Gateway to Financial Freedom

Tape 3

Real Money - Federal Reserve - Counterfeit Currency



Okay, Article VI, Clause II of the Constitution of the United States of America. This Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof and all treaties made or which shall be made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby anything in the Constitution, laws of any state to the contrary, notwithstanding, so therefore anything repugnant to this Constitution is null and void. And I just want you to know that any kind of a treaty that would be made that would be overthrowing the Constitution would be unconstitutional. Any kind of an act that would be made contrary to constitutional law would be unconstitutional, therefore null and void. So we want to view just as this says, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Anything repugnant to it you can totally 100 percent disregard. So those of you that believe in obeying the law that you want to enforce the law, this is where you start because anything repugnant to this constitution is not law at all and you can disregard it. So we need to start sifting out, what it is that the government is enforcing that is a personal rule or regulation in a contractual commercial relationship as opposed to, you know, lawful, constitutional laws of the land.

Okay, back to the chart and we have across from the people, draw a little bit of a line here, what we’re going to do is say, okay, we had gold and silver as our lawful money of accounts so how are we going to introduce that money into the system. Well first of all, the people are going to have to go out and mine for the gold and silver. They get the gold and silver, then they can go ahead and spend it as gold dust, silver dust if they want to, to get their wherewithal. Okay. Then we go down to the national government and say okay , fine, the national government was given what, the power, under article one section eight and that it is in clause number 5 to coin money, regulate the value thereof of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures. So the national government was given the power to coin the money for the states. Now that does not say print paper or counterfeit paper, currencies to introduce as money. It says to coin money. Coining is a specific process of coining a metal object in a round form. So that once again testifies to the fact that they had to coin the gold and silver for the states because the states could not introduce anything but gold and silver coin as a lawful money of account. Now what’s the importance of that? Well that controls inflation, because it has real value to it. Now you can’t just go out counterfeiting gold and silver. You got to make it out of a very, very real and valuable metal, whereas with a counterfeit printing operation, the Federal Reserve, they don’t have any expense whatsoever in the counterfeiting of paper currencies and they can print all they want to to introduce in the economy. They can manufacture all the bookkeeping industries they want to to introduce in the economy. And the reason for that is is that they pay for the paper and ink and the printing presses with the counterfeit paper currencies that they went and run off the printing presses. So they have no cost in the counterfeiting operation. Just like a counterfeiter. He buys his counterfeiting equipment and his counterfeiting ink and paper with the counterfeit paper currencies that he prints off the press so he winds up with no expense in that counterfeiting operation. And that’s a terrible, terrible thing to allow anyone to have because they can use that to destroy and ravage the society.

Okay, so once again, the Congress has the power to coin the money, regulate the value thereof in a foreign coin or fix the standard of weights and measures. So the question is is who has control of the banking operation in America constitutionally speaking? Well, now that’s not the Congress. We’re looking here at the Congress only had the power to coin the money. Remember the states only have the power to make anything, correction, they were restricted from making anything but gold and silver coin in tender of payment of debts. Then we go back to our Bill of Rights. Article X as I discussed before, it says, the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited back to the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people, which means that since we did not give our government employees the power to run a national bank in this country, that was our reserve power. We’re the ones that are supposed to be running our banking operation. We’re supposed to be our own banker. Now if you’ll just go down to the old buildings in any big cities and go through each of the floors and search each of those floors you’ll find old safes on those floors that are probably empty now that gold and silver used to be stored in. The reason the safes are there is the people were their own bankers. Well that’s not true anymore because now we have the Federal Reserve, a foreign financial power controlling how many bookkeeping entries each of us owe to the other, so they’re not really banks because they’re not storing money. They’re storing counterfeit paper currencies and nickel copper slugs. Now what that means is that they are an accounting division for the Federal Reserve, not a bank, accounting for how much in worthless paper currencies or bookkeeping entries each of us owe to the other. So they’re just an accounting division, that’s all they are. By the way, there’s no constitutional provision for that so therefore it’s repugnant to the Constitution and it’s null and void. Now back over to the chart. We see that the people go out and they mine for the gold and the silver and they can go ahead and spend the dust if they want to and then they have the power to bring it down to the national government, the people in the states consent to the national government and the national government here by constitutional authority has the power to put that into coin form. Now the national government would get a piece of that, like 10 percent for coining that money and they return the coins at less the 10 percent back to the people and back to the states for introduction into the economy for value. Okay, now here is a tax. This is called an excise tax on a thing. Okay does the national government have the right to levy that excise tax? Well here it is under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States, but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States. So they had the power first of all to coin the money and then collect a tax for doing it to pay for the cost of running the national government and of course the coining of money operation for the states and the people. Now the question is is 10 percent of all of the gold and silver that is required to be coined for the people in the United States of America, is that a lot of money? Ten percent of all the gold and silver. That is an incredible amount of money right there and more than enough to take care of most of the needs of the national government. So the provision was there to take care of them without income taxes, without Social Security taxes. And you have to realize that we had government services throughout this country, we had real roads being built, roads being serviced, etc., etc., etc., by the government long before we had any income taxes or Social Security tax. What the government wants you to believe, they want you to believe that the income taxes and the Social Security taxes go to paying for education and they go for paying for the paving of the roads and we wouldn’t have any roads or education if we didn’t pay those taxes when in fact the gasoline tax is what pays for the roads. So they’re lying to us. They’re lying to us saying that income tax pays for something that it doesn’t pay for and the gas tax is more than enough to pay for the building of the roads and they steal money from those accounts for other expenditures so that we’re paying really more for the roads than what we would have to without paying the income tax at all. And I’m going to define to you what the income tax is and what it’s for here very quickly as we get into the democracy presentation, the democracy versus republic.

Ok, so the money is coined for the states and the people. The people get ahold of the gold and silver and they go out and they buy property so to the left and to the right side of the chart on the left-hand side of the right side, put the word property in because the people now buy property with the gold and silver. And by the way, in the constitutional republican form of government these are people with no benefits from the government, no social security numbers from the government, they have a right to own their labor and own property. Therefore, they use the gold and silver to buy the property. Remember that you can only pay your debt in gold and silver coin. Therefore, when you pay your debt in gold and silver coin of the republic now you own the property. Now you have a right to control property. The definition of ownership equals control, so under property write ownership and that equals control. If you ever want to determine who it is that’s claiming ownership over property you look for control. If you have to go to someone else to get permission to use that property then you know that you don’t have ownership because you do not have control. They have ownership because they’re controlling it.

Okay, so in the republican form of government you pay for it by lawful money of account, you’re a free individual. You’re not a slave of the state. Therefore you own the property. Therefore you have ownership and control over the property.

Now we’re going to go to Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution and we’re going to go all the way down to clause number 17. This is the congressional power of the national government in Washington, D.C. to exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district not exceeding 10 miles square as made by session of particular states and the acceptance of Congress become the seat of the government of the United States and exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be for the erection of forts and magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings. So now here is a very, very limited jurisdictional authority for the legislative bodies in Congress to function with in Washington, D.C. So, we’re looking at Washington, D.C. and then of course areas ceded to it by the states for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards and other needful buildings. D.C. is 10 miles square originally by constitutional law. They have now expanded to 66 miles square approximately, give or take some amount or whatever. And they also have now has enclaves of the U.S. D.C. jurisdiction American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands. The state jurisdiction now would be limited to the constitutional authorities of the, delegated to the government employees in the state that you’re referring to. So what we’re going to do on our chart, we’re going to draw a little chain, draw a little chain around the national government and around the state government. We’re going to call that the chains of the constitution. That’s a chain around the national government, chain around the state government, and right in the center write limited constitutional jurisdiction. That’s all the jurisdiction they have so the question is when they pass these legislative acts, are they passing it to control their jurisdiction or are they using it to infringe and interfere in our jurisdiction. Now what’s the jurisdiction of the people? Okay, whatever powers we did not give the government, we retain those rights to ourselves, that’s our jurisdiction, it’s not theirs. So we have a right of ownership of our label, we have a right of ownership of property and control that property and use it freely as long as we do not infringe upon someone else’s right to life, liberty, and property. So anytime they infringe upon that, they’re interfering in our jurisdiction. Now as we’re talking about jurisdiction I just want to interject a quote by one of our founding fathers, the famous and notorious Thomas Jefferson who was actually viewed as a radical in his day as a patriot. And he said, “The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our constitution. I am an enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but coin. That the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency first by inflation then by deflation the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

Over on the republic side of the chart now we want to go ahead and add that we have the control and ownership of property we already have, use of property freely as long as we do not use it to deprive someone else of the right to life, liberty, and property. So free use of property, free use of our bodies, as long as we do not use it to injure someone else or something else. And if we do injure someone else or something else we have a responsibility to pay for it. And how’s that done? Of course, through a common law jury process where the jury is the judge, decides issues of laws and facts , and renders a final binding decision. And we certainly cannot trust government employees with that important responsibility that are paid by a foreign financial power that where three-fourths of the members of that Federal Reserve are not even United States citizens, so we certainly can’t trust people paid by a foreign financial power which the judges are today. Now I want to make that very, very clear now. Your government employees and the judges in this country, they’re all paid by a foreign financial power. They’re not being paid in lawful money of account. So the question is is are your government employees serving you? Well, they’re not obeying the constitutional law that we set up for them. So therefore they’re not serving you. Number two, why is it they’re not serving you? Well, the answer to that is you’re not paying them to serve you. If we were paying our government employees to serve us, we’d be paying them in gold and silver coin. We’re not doing that. A foreign financial power is paying them in federal reserve notes to work for the foreign financial power. In other words, the banking, the Federal Reserve through the banking industry has taken over all the financial systems of American and have perverted our government employees into their service and out of our service. Now the only way we can get that back and recover that is to correct them through the jury system by not guilty until the juries are empowered once again as the judge in the court case is empowered to decide all the laws and facts and the judge just sits there are referee and obeys the rule of the people, serve the people according to the constitutional law and not according to the dictates of these Federal Reserve banking institutions.

It’s time for the portion of our lecture to learn the distinct characteristics of free sovereigns. So on the right hand side we’re just going to make a line there and write down characteristics of free people so this is what your character should be if you’re free. And one of the difficulties of saying the word free now government employees are trying to make it sound like people who call themselves free are people who are armed and dangerous with weapons who make bombs, who blow up buildings, and that’s just a con job and a fraud to con, you know, other people who are in the system to think about people who consider themselves to be free as bad people. Well, I have news for everybody. I don’t make any bombs and I don’t keep any loaded weapons around. I don’t threaten anybody with an injury to their life, liberty, or property. And I consider myself free. So it’s okay to be free and to be harmless. So let’s call myself, I’ll call myself a harmless free natural individual. And that’s the category I’m going to encourage people to get into. We’re not interested in going toward destroying buildings or killing people. That’s not what our intent is. Our intent is to make a correction of government and get them out of the people’s jurisdiction and back into their jurisdiction and teach the people that their jurisdiction is to control and maintain a constitutionally lawful government according to constitutional contracts and keep government employees in their box which is their jurisdiction and out of our jurisdiction. When government employees leave that jurisdictional authority they’re invading our jurisdiction. Now characteristics of free people would be:

1. free people would have no benefits from government. Okay, and I’m going to draw a scenario on that. Let’s say I’m a rancher of a ranch. And you’re my employee. You work for me. And I go to you and I say, would you do me a favor? Would you give me a retirement program if I pay you so much a month, will you take care of a retirement program for me and pay me back a monthly income at age 65? Now that sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? I’m going to my employee and I’m asking for my employee to benefit me. In other words, you have if you govern in the proper perspective. These are government employee hirelings that are under your feet. You are the master, they are the slave. They’re under your feet. They’re not over your head. You only go begging for benefits from people who are your master. You don’t beg for benefits from people who are your slave. So you have to stop that practice. So free people have no benefits from government. In other words, we don’t ask for benefits from our government employees.

2. Free people would buy properties in lawful money of account gold and silver. Okay. So buy properties in gold and silver coin, lawful money of account because that is the only money that can be used to pay for debt. If you don’t use gold and silver to buy your properties then you cannot possibly claim any ownership over the properties because the Federal Reserve notes are owned by the Federal Reserve, a foreign financial power, they’re rendered into circulation, therefore they cannot be lawfully be used to buy and own and control properties. Now I realize you can’t go out buying everything in gold and silver, but you can get your major purchases with gold and silvers. There are many different ways to do that and we’ll speak about some of those when we get into other sessions of the lectures.

3. After buying the properties in gold and silver we’re going to say that we do not register properties with our government employee hireling servants. In other words, if you had an employee working for you, wouldn’t it be ridiculous to say, you know, go out and buy a brand new car, and you say okay, government, I’m sorry, not government but employee hireling servant that works for me, would you please register my car under your jurisdictional authority so you can have the authority to tell me how I can and cannot use my car? It would be ridiculous. You wouldn’t do that. So once again these government employees who are employee hireling servants, you don’t register your car with them so that they have the power to control it. The same with a house. You don’t register the car with them.

4. Now next, we would have no debt. No debt in credit cards, no debt mortgages on the houses, no debt mortgages on the automobiles, etc. You have to have no debt whatsoever. Remember that’s one of the characteristics and you’ll find that on the Biblical tape that God’s people are not debtors, they are the lender because a borrower is a slave to the lender. We’re not going to be the slaves, we’re going to be the masters. So therefore you have to learn how to be satisfied with what you own, number one, don’t go out buying things you cannot afford and save up your funds until you can afford to buy it. Now you’re going to ask me well how can I do that. All my funds are going out every month. Well the reason you can’t afford to do that now is because you’re a slave. You’ve been paying for all the slave benefits from the system which include the necessity to pay income taxes, Social Security taxes, buy all kinds of insurance policies and get into IRA programs and Keogh programs to reduce taxation which means that after you pay all those expenses in the system you’re poor broke and starving for freedom. So all you have to do is eliminate all those expenses and that means now you can save. Now you’ll be able to pay for things in full. Now you won’t have to borrow anymore. Now what the government’s trying to do is keep you perpetually in debt so they will perpetually own you because once again the rule of law is the borrower is a slave to the lender and as long as they can con you into remaining a borrower, they can keep you to being a slave forever. So, extremely important characteristic, no debt.

5. I think we already talked about this but I want to write it down here, no Social Security numbers from government. In other words, you are not to be a numbered slave of the government. Remember the rancher claims ownership over their property by numbering it, so you control it, identify it as their property. Well that’s what they’re doing to you. They’re claiming that you are their property when they number you with a Social Security number.

6. You would have no birth certificates issued against you from the government. That’s another way that they identify you as their property and this is extremely significant although it doesn’t superficially seem to be, but it’s significant because they are registering those birth certificates with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and the Department of Congress in Washington, D.C. which registers that birth certificate under their jurisdiction in commerce. Okay, so from now on you’re not going to have any birth certificates on you child so you’re going to say okay, now how can I do that? How can I avoid having a birth certificate on my child? When they’re born in the hospital they’re going to put one on them automatically, they’re going to assign a Social Security number automatically. Well, we are not going to have our children in hospitals anymore. We’re now going to have our children at home. So put on there home births. Okay, so home births for the children, no birth certificates on the children, no Social Security numbers on the children. Now they’re going to be free.

I was in a lecture, lecturing to professionals in Ohio. These were accountants, these were lawyers, these were lectures on the constitutional law and I was reading the law and because I was presenting it in the proper way that they didn’t understand, I was accused of perverting the reading of the law to twist it to my benefit, so they would, so I would try to confuse them. Then I says, wait a minute, I says I am not perverting the law here. I am reading it verbatim , by the way that’s my habit, always read it right out of the books themselves. I don’t put my embellishments to it except, you know, I’m outside of those specific quotes. But I specifically quoted and I told them I was reading right from the law, that it’s not my personal opinion of it. And I says okay, what I’m going to do, I’m going to test you guys. You guys are smart, you’re professionals. I’m going to test you to find out what you know about the law. Is it the law that required by law to have a Social Security number for your children when they reach age five. And these intelligent professionals raised their hand and said yes, age five, you have to get a Social Security number for your child, that’s the law. And I says, you guys should know better. That is not the law. The law says that you, in order for you to deduct your child off your tax return as a tax deduction, you are required to sell your child into a lifetime of bondage for a Social Security number so that you can take that deduction off your tax return. And that’s what the law says. And ladies and gentlemen I just want you to be aware of the fact that when you get a Social Security number for your child you have sold your child into a lifetime of bondage and slavery for a tax deduction on a return. That’s a terrible thought when you consider it. Praise the Lord I have raised two children without any Social Security numbers and I’m extremely happy to say that I had the foresight to do that it was only by the grace of God that I had the inspiration not to sell them into bondage. And I encourage you that if you have sold your children into bondage for a Social Security number, to remove them from that bondage.

In the definition of licenses is permission to break the law. Now what is a license for? Well license is permission to use someone else’s property. For all of you that are computer buffs, that have probably have acquired software from software companies are probably aware of the fact that you have never bought software. And typically, what I’ll do is I’ll ask people how many here have bought software and everybody will raise their hand that’s into computers. And I’ll say, no you have not bought any software. What you bought was the license to use the software from the manufacturer which only gives you permission to use it, not to reproduce it and sell it. Now if you bought the software you could reproduce it and sell it to other people and make a lot of money off their research and development. So they’re restrictive. They say you can only buy the license to use it and they give you the parameters with which you can use it. You are limited to that and if you violate that you can be charged criminally, civilly and criminally, you can be charged with misusing their product in violation of the licensing agreement. Okay, so the question is what is business license, what is a driver’s license, what is, what other kind of licenses do we have here? Business license, driver’s license, marriage license. These are licenses that give you permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal. So we’re going to start with the driver’s license. Okay, the motor vehicle, when you register the motor vehicle with the department of motor vehicles that becomes their car, they’re the trustee over the car. Therefore, they have the right now that it’s their car to license you to utilize their car. Now if you learn how to buy your own car, then you don’t have to get their driver’s license. So one of the characteristics of the sovereign, they would buy and own a car as opposed to utilizing the state’s motor vehicle. Then they wouldn’t have to have a license from the state to use the state’s car. Okay, next was a business license. Well when you get a business license, they’re claiming it’s permission for you to do business in that particular area that it is but what you’re really doing is you’re getting a license that makes the state a third party to your business operations. That is a contractual agreement. When you go out and you get a license from them now they’re a partner in your business and they have the right to get a fair share of the profits. However, they don’t put any investment in there. They don’t put any risk in there. They don’t do anything but come in and threaten, intimidate, harass, and put all kinds of rules and regulations on you to make it very, very, very difficult to make a profit and then they take the first fruits of the profits for their benefit. So let’s just look at it, you know, from business point of view. That’s a very, very, very poor partner. So quit making partnership agreements with the state to be a partner in your free enterprise affairs. And the characteristic of a free sovereign would be a free enterpriser. In other words, you would not be in business anymore because you would not get a business license. Therefore, you would be into free enterprise and free enterprise is the form of government that our founding fathers established for this country. Free enterprise, not business, not a commercially connected enterprise to governmental operations. As a matter of fact, government has got no right to be in business. They only have a right to protect life, liberty, and property. And by getting a business license you make them a partner to the business.

So the next one is marriage license. Okay what’s illegal since a license is permission to break the law? What’s illegal about getting married without a license? Well, there was a common law prohibition against interracial marriages. The black folks could not marry the white folks, white folks could not marry the black folks. That was illegal to have these interracial marriages. So what they did is they started a licensing of folks that would apply to the government, that wanted to get married for one rea