Gateway to Financial Freedom
Tape 2
Slavery vs. Freedom -- Who do we serve?
This is an instructional tape on democracy vs. republic and just to give you a little bit of an introduction about myself, the speaker, Im Keith Anderson. I decided that I didnt like being a slave many, many years ago and, of course, when we start talking about slave in free terms, we want to try to understand what that means, you know? Free people own their labor and they decide what theyre going to do with it. Slaves have someone else deciding how their labor is going to be utilized. And theres other people making the determinations as to how much of your paycheck that they get and how much you get to keep. Whereas a free individual, they get everything. And then they decide how theyre going to spend it after they get it. Its not taken out before they get it. So, based on those kind of considerations, I want you to just kind of consider whether or not youre a free individual or youre a slave, personally, to yourself.
Im not interested in pushing my definition off on anybody else, but do a little bit of introspection there to see what kind of a category you fit in. And Im going to give you a personal definition of freedom. Freedom is the right to do anything that you want to do as long as you do not interfere with someone elses right to life, liberty, or property. In other words, if youre going to be going down the street, say the speed limit is 55 MPH and theres nobody on the road and its safe, you know, its safe conditions, its not raining and all that -- well, if you went 60 or 65 MPH, that would not be, you know, illegal because #1, youre not endangering anyone; youre not hurting anyone elses right to life, liberty, and property. So, therefore, theres no crime committed. But according, of course, to the rules of the road, there would be a crime, a commission of a crime, here. And the question is, whos the injured party? Well, theres not one. And I just want you all to know Im not professing that people go out there and be belligerent in their driving habits and speed and be reckless and all that just because no one else is around, because Im not doing that. When we change who we serve and we start doing things Gods way instead of our own way, we start acting differently. We start acting more responsibly. We start caring about other people more. We start traveling in a more safe and sane manner than the people who have drivers licenses and comply with all the rules and regulations. So were more cautious, not less. And were more responsible because we have to take care of whatever damages that we cause.
Okay, freedom also contains the right to own property and utilize property in any way that we wish without injuring someone elses right to life, liberty, and property. In other words, our choice as to whether or not we want to build on an addition to the house or not build it on, we do not have to go out and ask for permission from a government employee. We have a right to travel in our privately-owned automobiles that are not motor vehicles and do so freely without any interference because its our personal and private property. Its our right to utilize it and travel in it. Were not engaged in commercial regulation. And if you look real hard at the code, youre going to find out that the government only has the power to regulate those cars in commercial regulation. And well get into that more in the lecture, but just briefly, cars registered in commercial regulation would be motor vehicles registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles, which is an organization of interstate commerce subject to the USDC regulatory powers.
Anyway, prior to 1979, I was studying a lot and I started studying -- I wanted to be sure that I was complying with the law 100%. And I did not want to violate the law, so in studying the law, I found out that there was no requirement to file income tax returns or to pay the income tax. So, for three years straight, I went to my accountant and I told my accountant I cannot find anywhere in the law where Im required, a person is required to file income tax returns or pay these income taxes. Can you show me the law where I am required? Because if I am, Im going to file those returns and Im going to pay those taxes. And he looked at me and he said, each of these three years he says, I can find no law that requires anybody to file. Ive been to the IRS meetings and they always tell me its based on individual self-assessment and voluntary compliance. As a matter of fact, all the former Internal Revenue Service commissioners have always said its based on individual self-assessment and voluntary compliance. In other words, there has been no law. So, how come weve had all these prosecutions in this country over this tax system? Well, you are a volunteer when you go in to get the social security number. Now, that doesnt mean you have to be a volunteer for the rest of your life. You know? If youre able to go in to these contractual relationships, youre able to come out of them. Were going to get into that later. So I went to the accountant for three years and thats the story I got. He knew of no law. So I knew I had a lock down on the willfulness issue, in the event that we went to a court hearing on it. And then, of course, I did an incredible amount of research. We went into the West Law Research Services and we researched cases that pertained to taxpayers and nontaxpayers, and found out that all the rules and regulations governing taxpayers had no application to nontaxpayers. And, of course, the research shows that the social security number is the taxpayers identification number. So when you get a social security number, you become identified as a taxpayer. Before that, you were identified as a nontaxpayer. Now you seal your fate for the filing of returns when you file your first return because they claim that you would not have filed the return unless you knew that you were required to file the return. And, therefore, since you had required yourself to file, therefore, you are a person required to file. Now, the only way that you can stop filing the returns is you want to cease to have income, remembering what the definition of income is, and Im going to give that to you a little bit later. I dont want to give it all to you now. This is just kind of a summary tape before I get into the lecture.
Anyway, Id had ... laid the foundation, a good foundation to fight this case before I was ever charged. And I was charged criminally with not filing income tax returns and not paying income tax in the State of California. And behind that came the Internal Revenue Service with a criminal investigation against me. Well, three months into my state case, the IRS dropped all criminal investigation. And then one year and nine months into the state case, the state lost my entire file -- it disappeared. And we had them beat on every ground because we had gotten a discovery with all of the states administrative rules and regulations for the handling of these types of cases and they had violated all those rules and regulations. #2, I had the accountant backed up as a witness who would have testified if that ever came about, to the effect that there was no requirement to file these returns. He had never seen one. He had told me that. And the IRS always says its based on individual self-assessment and voluntary compliance.
Okay, so, I got charged criminally and we had some incredible and wonderful things happen on the case. And the reason we did is because we did was because I believe the Lord was going there and fighting our battles for us and, while everybody else was being put in jail in these types of cases, we were able to come out victorious on this one. And by victorious I mean they lost the file; there was no conviction, and there was no incarceration, which I consider a victory. Now, they are not going to change the system. The reason theyre not is they have to collect the revenues to pay for all these social welfare expenses that they have created. Therefore, they have to persecute the people that are in the system to pay for those people who are getting benefits from it. So, youre not going to change it by court case, regardless of what the law says. And, youre not going to change it even with common sense, logic, and reasoning processes because they dont think that way. They think of how much they have to have to cover their expenses. So, theyve become a monster, robbing people to pay other people not to go to work. And the solution is to stop going to them to ask for benefits so theyll stop robbing people to pay for those demands upon the treasury.
I had some incredible and wonderful things happen in my case and one of those things was I went into the court one day and I says to the judge, I says, the defendant is present to answer to the criminal charge of having violated the second plank of the communist manifesto of the heavy progressive income tax. And the judges jaw dropped open in astonishment and anger and he turns to the prosecutor and says, arent you going to object to this? Well, the prosecutor was looking at the crowd. We had the courtroom packed with our supporters. It was full. They were going out the doorway. They were going down the hallway. They were filling the courtyard. We had somewhere around 350-400 people that day in support of this case. So we did have incredible support to stop the criminal activities of government. And, anyway, the prosecutor looked around at the crowd and he looked up at the judge and he says to the judge, it sounds about right to me, your honor. And that is correct. The heavy progressive income tax is the second plank of the communist manifesto. And they have imposed every plank of the communist manifesto on the people in this country on a voluntary basis since 1933. So we have a kinder, gentler form of communism in this country than in other countries -- we have voluntary communism. And the voluntary communism is enforced through lies, threats, harassment, lying, stealing, cheating, coercion on the part of these governmental agencies to enforce the payment of these funds for the support of the social welfare programs. And they have to do that. They have to threaten, intimidate, harass you, and they have to do it for some very, very important, specific reasons.
So, anyway, thats a little bit about my background. I have a college degree. I have an honorary doctorate degree in common law. And I worked hard for a very, very long period of time to obsessively, since 1978, to try to uncover what the problems were in my life that caused me to be a slave to a lying, stealing, cheating government. Imagine, you know, here we are. Were grown adults. These government employees are our servants and you have a wet-behind-the-ears, green, fresh-out-of-school college kid coming around telling you what you can and can not do in your business. Now, it just doesnt make any sense that we have those people acting as a dictator over our lives as if they have some kind of right or responsibility to tell us how to govern our lives and how to govern our personal affairs. Now, if there was a real problem, like if you did injure someone elses right to life, liberty, and property, fine -- the injured party has a right to go make a complaint. And you go to court and you settle that and you make a determination what the damages are or whether or not the injury really occurred. And if it didnt, dismiss the case. And if it did, the party who was injured gets restitution.
Theres very, very good ways and simple ways to reorganize this. And people are always asking, well, fine... you have a better idea, tell us what it is. Well, theres a lot of better ideas in running a government without threats, intimidation, or harassment of the American people. That means to go back to courts of justice that employ justice through the means of common law courts where there has to be an injured party before a claim can be recognized in the court, where a trial by jury is had, where the jury is the judge, and they determine all the facts and the law in the case and make a final binding decision on the case. So you can have justice and you can freedom at the same time, but you cannot have a government that robs one sector of the society to pay for others not to go to work. They produce nothing of any value; therefore, they dont have a right to give away something that is not theirs or to commit the crimes of robbery and theft in threats, intimidation, and harassment in order to enforce a lying, stealing, cheating program. They have got to be corrected on that. Theyve got to be changed because they are destroying the wealth of this country and putting everybody in debt through these insane programs. And the reason for that, theyre totally irresponsible in the management of the funds. They do not put funds aside for your retirement and social security to collect interest and pay you back interest and principal at age 65. They dont do that. They spend every dime they have. And the elderly population is growing faster than what it ever has and by the year 2010 itll take approximately one and a half people to support everyone on some kind of a government benefit program if it continues at the rate that it is now. And the only other solution they have is to continue to raise the taxes and decrease the benefits. And the question is, how many people are going to stand for staying in the system when the benefits keep on going down and the price keeps on going up? Its bad enough as it is now, you know, trying to get something out of the government. And the reason for that is theyre consuming over 70% of the social security and income so-called tax money that they receive just to administer those programs.
Okay. Now, were going to get into this lecture that I developed as a result of my studies. I started studying and teaching on the Constitution in 1979 and the Internal Revenue code and statutory rules and regulations, and I taught heavily over California and surrounding states on those subject matters until about 1982 or so and then I went to a lecture up in northern California, and for the first time I laid out the lecture Im going to give you now. And I laid it out without ever having studied it before. And alls I can say is it had to come from the Lord because it defines these two jurisdictions very, very well. And it shows you that you have a right to choose to be free. You dont have to be a slave. One is a slave jurisdiction. One is a free jurisdiction. Im going to show you that you chose to be in the slave jurisdiction and that you have a right to choose to be in the free jurisdiction. So #1, in order to make a change in your life, you have to know where youre at. #2, you have to know where you want to go. #3, you have to have some kind of a plan to get from point A to point B in order to make that change. And I made that change in my life, and the way that I made that change in my life is I closed down everything associated with a social security number. I sold everything that was tied into the system. I cashed out of everything and restarted my entire life all over again doing things right in freedom and free enterprise and I have had a very, very free life since approximately 1979, except of course for the court battles that I went through. But, even then, you know, it was a wonderful blessing and a wonderful experience because we got so much knowledge going through that court experience that we were able to totally redesign a system to help people get out of the system without any criminal prosecution, without any confrontation with the government. Youre going to be able to close your doors down to them and never deal with them again for any reason, if you wish to, and move into freedom and free enterprise without any confrontation, without any threat of criminal prosecution.
So, all that work that I spent and all those years of going through that kind of prosecution is going to benefit those people who decide that they want to make a change in their life and utilize that procedure without any downsides, except of course the downsides that we are going to maybe... I wouldnt even call those downsides -- theyre not really downsides, but trials that were going to go through in being a witness to other people that you can be free in America. And just to give you a hint about this, in the early 80s, the IRS reported about 30 million people not filing returns that they thought were required to file and its been reported in recent years that its more like 45 million to date. And this is 1996. So, were on the upswing.
You know the movement in America towards freedom and honest government is on the increase and the movement to support the social welfare communistic programs of the current system are on the down trend. And the reason for that is the system is going to go down because of its costliness. They cant afford to pay for all the liabilities that theyve incurred through promising people social welfare program payments. And lets be more honest with this -- communistic welfare program payments. And if you have a social security card, you are in the category of the social security card carrying member of the USDC communist party because that is a... you know, theyre all following the ten planks of the communist manifesto and that is pure communism. I know some people are going to object to that. Theyre going to feel upset about that. Well, Im sorry, folks, but you can read the ten planks of the communist manifesto for yourself and just do a little bit of study on that and youll see that what Im teaching is the truth. And were going to bring that up a little bit later as we get into our segment on the Constitution.
This lecture now is democracy vs. republic. And what Im doing is Im just laying this out on a chart here. And as I do this, you might want to do the same. Just kind of take a piece of paper, draw a line down the center and draw a line across the top, and put in Democracy vs. Republic. This is a foundational series lecture and were going to be talking about five topics here. Session 1. Were going to get into democracy vs. republic to learn the distinct differences in characteristics of these two jurisdictions, plus the characteristics of good slaves, disobedient slaves, and free sovereigns. We will learn and know the problem and to discover that the conspiracy by the mere corporate government to overthrow a lawful constitutional government is real. Were going to talk about the nature and application of the income tax, how to lawfully avoid it; the nature and application of the social security tax and how to lawfully avoid it. In session 2, were going to define jurisdiction. Were going to learn jurisdiction in a way youve never learned before. Youll be an authority on jurisdiction. Were going to define Gods jurisdiction, the mere corporate government jurisdiction, individual jurisdiction, solution provided for changing jurisdictions, and contracts, employee vs. independent contractual relationships. In session 3, were going to do property ownership; learn how to buy, own, and control purchase property; stop liens, levies, and seizures on owned property -- that includes automobiles, miscellaneous personal property, and real property. In session 4, transition tools -- were going to learn how to use transition tools that interface with the system that allow you freedom without confrontation, that includes trusts, common-law rights to identification for use of acquired property, use of business organizations that interface with the system that set you free. In other words, we teach people how to do this correctly. If youre eligible for the benefits then you have an obligation to pay for them. So the key is not being eligible for the benefits. If youre not ready for being totally free from being under the governments authority and jurisdiction, then its quite possible that you want to stay in the category of learning how to reorganize your affairs and reducing your taxes to the very lowest possible level so you can enjoy maximum freedom.
Okay, now, starting with the democracy vs. republic presentation. Were going to define these two different jurisdictions, and first of all, I want you to repeat with me the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Okay, lets repeat that and as we do that were going to write down significant characteristics of that pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. So, were going to like on the republic side, were going to put United States of America. And to the republic, and put a checkmark by republic because this is the form of government were supposed to have -- were supposed to have a republican form of government and not a democracy. So, to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God... so were going to put God to the right or republic at the top because we are to be one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty... write liberty... and justice for all... so, liberty and justice belong there as characteristics of the constitutional, republican form of government. Now, we are not talking about the democratic party and the republican party. Thats not what were talking about at all. Were talking about two forms of government and the democratic party, the republican party, are the same form of government called democracy. We want to talk about a republican form of government which is an opposite form of government to the democracy. Democracy is based on the ten planks of the communist manifesto whereas the republican form of government is based on ultimate freedom for we the people of the United States of America. And I want to solidify this just a little bit now with the Declaration of Independence that our founding fathers gave us. As you recall, they overthrew a government. A foreign governmental power -- they threw them out of this country so that they could establish this country as a free nation for we the people of the United States of America.
Heres the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of Earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and natures guide entitles them a decent respect for the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, they are endowed by theie creator with certain unalienable rights. Okay, so lets write unalienable rights on the right-hand side. Thats U-N-A-L-I-E-N-A-B-L-E. And if you recall, in the school systems you were taught that this was inalienable rights. Now, what does that mean to you? It didnt mean anything to me. But un-alienable rights is very important to me. Its unalienable rights means rights that cannot be liened. These are rights that we got from God that no one can take away from us. Okay, so were endowed with certain inalienable rights and among these are life... so write down the word life... Liberty, we already have that written down. And the pursuit of happiness -- so write down happiness. So these are some of the rights we got from God, according to our founding fathers Declaration of Independence. Now, whether you agree with that or not, thats not important. What I want to do is I want to give you some foundational aspects of how this country was formed from documents by the people who formed it so that youll understand the method by which it was established. Whether you agree with it or not is not important, just look at the foundational aspects of it so you can see how we have a consistency of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in this country as free people, and not as slaves. And the only way we can regain it is by reinstituting these principles.
GATEWAY to Financial Freedom
Declaration of Independence - Trial by Jury
Okay, now we have that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the government. Okay, so where does government get their power from? They get it from we the people of the United States of America. They derive their power from we the people. They have no power except those powers we gave them. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, okay, what ends are they talking about? Theyre talking about the ends of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And when governments interfere with our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, we have a right to do what? It says it is the right of the people to alter or abolish and institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Thats what our founding fathers did. They threw the king of Great Britain and his troops out of this country. They overthrew that government under which they lived to establish this as a free nation. And remember, its Great Britain -- it wasnt Russia, it wasnt China. It was Great Britain that they overthrew. And, if you look very, very closely at the federal reserve system that is in control of our financial systems today, youll find that its connections goes back, once again, to Great Britain. And Ill get into more of that later.
Now, when were talking about when we have certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness -- were talking about this is just some of them here. This Declaration of Independence doesnt give them all, so were saying weve got God-given rights, weve got rights from our creator, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and we have a whole host of them from the floor to the ceiling. We have a right to own our labor, to contract out our labor any way we please as long as were not injuring someone elses right to life, liberty, and property. We have a right of free travel, without any interference by any kind of government employee hireling servant. We have a right to do that. Unless they have some kind of a warrant for our arrest thats based on probable cause, in other words, a sworn complaint by an injured party that we injured them, they have no right to interfere with our free rights of travel and association. They dont have the right to govern that.
Now to make it clear, I am not advocating the overthrow of any government. That is not what Im advocating. Im advocating a correction to remove governmental programs that are unconstitutional from being exercised by our government employee hireling servants. You have to get them out of the position of robbing one sector of the economy to pay for another sector not to go to work. Because if you are the robbee, Im sorry -- correction -- if you are the robber, sooner or later youre going to be the robbee. Lets look at it this way: The government robs one person to pay for another person not to go to work. Well, that puts people out of business. It puts people out of their homes. It puts people out of a livelihood. That means taxes have to go up because theyre not paying taxes any more. And theres bankruptcies that set in that create loss in the financial industries. So we have substantial financial losses with that kind of a system. And the people who are left in the system supporting it have to pay more and more taxes, and its going to bankrupt them as well, which means that if you are the robber, youre sooner or later going to be the robbee. Theyre going to rob you as well; youre going to be in that category and you have to come to the realization that thats just a fact of life. So, alls Im advocating is the correction of government to get out of affairs that are our business. In other words, stay in their own backyards -- stay in their jurisdiction. We have a jurisdiction and a right to function in our jurisdiction without their interference. They have a jurisdiction which is constitutional contractual law, and they have a right to be in that jurisdiction and they dont have any business interfering in ours. So, they stay in their backyard, we stay in our backyard, now were going to have a happy family of governmental actions thats going to build a strong America again. Put everybody back to work.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate the governments long-established should not be changed for light and transient causes. And accordingly, all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable then aright themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same object, invinces and designed to reduce another absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for the future security. So here is the authority that our founding fathers gave us to correct this government. Im not advocating the overthrow of it; Im advocating the correction of it. Get them out of your backyard. If you simply cease being eligible for the benefits, they have no authority in the future to interfere in your backyard. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain, is the history of repeated injuries and usurpations all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states.
Okay, now, when the governmental powers being enforced through the Internal Revenue Service with threats, intimidation, and harassment; you know, and the absolute confiscation of peoples property without any due process of law in the courts whatsoever, is that a tyranny? Well, yes, it is. Thats the definition of a tyranny. And by the way, for those of you that are unfamiliar with this, this is a fact of life. The IRS does have the power to manufacture liens, levies, and seizures, and confiscates peoples properties without any due process of law in the courts -- no trials by jury. And theres a reason for that and Ill get into it later. But the point is, thats an absolute tyranny and its unchecked by probable cause, by court hearings to establish the laws and facts in the matter to determine whether or not the IRSs position is correct or incorrect. And we have a right as a free country to have fair, impartial trials by jury on these issues before property is taken away from us and thats not being respected in this country -- and it has got to be changed. Government has to be corrected and we have to correct it because theyre not going to.
Okay, now were going to look at some of the complaints that the founding fathers made about the king of Great Britain to see, you know, what... how that applies in our current lives. On page 28, and by the way, this citizens rule book will be available to those people that request it, that Im reading out of... and it has the Declaration of Independence in it, the Constitution in it, and some of the legal points and authorities that you might be interested in. Okay, he, that means the king of Great Britain, has obstructed the administration of justice by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will alone for the tenure of their offices and the amount of payment of their salaries. And thats why we have a dependent judiciary now is because of that simple fact, the judges are really employees of the state now and they are not serving the people, so theyre perpetuating the position of the state rather than defending the sovereign rights of the people. He has erected a multitude of new officers and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance. Well, thats happening in America with the excessive taxes. Incidentally, when they came up with the income tax for the corporations in 1913, they said it would never reach more than a percent -- it was one-half of a percent then, and it would never be more than a percent; and, of course, we are seeing taxation up now to like 30 and 40 and 50%, plus social security tax.
He has kept among us in times of peace standing armies without the consent of our legislature, and thats occurring now. The government is prohibited from doing that in the Constitution of the United States of America. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution and unacknowledged by our laws giving his assent to their acts of pretent of legislation. Well, theres a criminal conspiracy with the foreign financial power called the Federal Reserve to enslave us financially with the national bank, and that would apply in that category.
Okay, now, for protecting them by a mock trial from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states... Over in Seattle, Washington, not very long ago, we had a white officer shoot and kill and black man who was I guess just... he hadnt committed any crime, he was not seen in the commission of any crime, he was just running away to get away from the officer, he didnt want to be hassled by the officer, and the officer shot and killed him. So they had a special hearing for that officer. He was not charged criminally. He was not taken to a trial by jury. And he was not given an appropriate punishment. What they did is they had a mock hearing for him and determined that he didnt mean to do it; therefore, he did not have to stand trial for murder. So, this is in the same category. Theyre protecting their people, their law enforcement officers, from trials by jury by mock hearings to determine that they didnt mean to do it so now they dont have to stand trial for murder. Now if these were private citizens that got involved in this, the loser would have gone to prison and may have been executed for the murder.
Okay now, onward. For imposing taxes on us without our consent... now, of course, thats occurring today. Theyre just deciding how much they need in revenues and theyre raising the taxes on a regular basis and theyre not asking for the peoples permission to do that. Theyre depriving us in many cases of the benefits of trial by jury. Now, Im going to make an astonishing statement now that all trials by jury in America have been abolished. There are no current trials by jury. And many of you are going to be saying that Im crazier than a loony bird because youve been down to the courtrooms and you see a trial going on there. So, Im going to make the statement again: There are no trials by jury in this country. They have all been abolished. What youre seeing there is youre seeing a mock trial by jury. Now what are you saying when youre saying I demand a trial by jury? What youre saying is I want the jury to be my judge. When you say I want the jury to be my judge, youre saying I want the jury to decide all of the issues of law in this case and decide all the facts and make a final, binding decision. What theyre doing in the courtroom is that theyre swearing the people in that they will accept the law as dictated to them by the judge. In other words, they have no free right whatsoever to determine what the law is. They are bound by oath to accept it as dictated by the judge. This leaves the determination of what the law means totally, 100%, in the hands of the judge which we cannot trust because theyre working for the state. And remember, we the people are to be a correction on illegal and criminal governmental activity and were to do that through the jury system.
So heres some points and authorities on jury rights. The jury has a right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy. John Jay, First Chief Justice U.S. Supreme Court, 1789. The jury has a right to determine both the law and the facts. Samuel Chase, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1796, signer of the unanimous declaration. The jury has the power to bring a verdict and the teeth of both law and fact. Oliver Wendel Holmes, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1902. The law itself is on trial quite as much as the cause which is to be decided. Harlem F. Stone, 12th Chief Justice U.S. Supreme Court, 1941. The pages of history shine on instances of the jurys exercise of its prerogative to disregard instructions of the judge. U.S. vs. Doherty, 473 ¤11 13 11 39, 1972.
So heres some very, very important court cases that show that there is a fourth branch of government. We all have been taught about the executive, the judicial branch of government and the legislative branch of government, but they have not been taught about the sovereign powers of we the people of the United States of America as a fourth branch of government to nullify all the illegal and criminal activities of the executive legislative and judicial branches of government so that they cannot exceed the constitutional and jurisdictional bounds of their jurisdiction. So when we demand trials by jury, the judge is to be the referee and the jury has the right or the power to determine the law and the facts in the case and make a final, binding decision. Now, whats really happening is that when issues or facts are coming up that do not support the states position, the prosecution routinely theyre dismissing the jury from the courtroom; theyre discussing those issues. Theyre not allowing the jury to hear those issues. And then they bring the jury back and they continue on with the case. So they have a jury thats not allowed to determine the law, not allowed to hear all the facts, making final binding decisions on whether or not a person is innocent or guilty. Now, I dont know about you, but I dont want to be in that situation. I have to hear, and I have a right to hear all the facts and law. Otherwise, the person is innocent. The person is not guilty unless they have a trial by jury where the jury is empowered to hear everything and make those final decisions. That means that lawfully, constitutionally speaking, no one that is in prison today in the United States of America in cells... and by the way, we have more per capita in jail in America today than any other country of the world because they have made it a prison industry. And none of those people are incarcerated lawfully because they did not have a lawfully constituted trial by jury. Now, in order to correct that, we have to start going back, you know, demanding trials by jury, and anytime a judge makes us take an oath that were going to accept the law as dictated by him, anytime they excuse us from the courtroom and bring us back, that means that we have not heard all the facts, and you have to come out with a verdict of the innocent just for one reason: Trails by jury are not being enforced in the courtrooms in America today. And until they are enforced, no one can be found guilty; no one can be incarcerated under those types of conditions.
Now, obviously, a lot of those people that are charged are going to be guilty and that may be a miscarriage of justice in that people that are guilty may not, you know, go to prison where they belong. But that also means that a lot of innocent people are going to be going to prison as well and, of course, the injury to freedom is so reprehensible that its more important to correct the reprehensible nature of the destruction of freedom than it is the other way. Now it wont take long, you know, everybody going into the courtroom and the trials by jury, saying not guilty based on the issues that I have discussed with you before the courts are going to wake up and realize that they cannot get by with violation of the constitutional requirements of a trial by jury any longer. Now this correction will put the power back in the hands of we the people to nullify all laws that are passed by the legislative branches of government and approved by the executive branch of government and enforced by the judicial branch of government. It will put it back in our power to nullify through the jury system to strike those laws off the books that are repugnant to the Constitution of the United States of America and hold those people accountable that attempt to enforce those laws as valid when they are unconstitutional. And thats the biggest problem we have today.
Now, I want you to understand the Constitution in the correct aspect that it was written because a lot of people are claiming to have constitutional rights. Well, we have read the Declaration of Independence where it says that we get our rights from God. Government employee hireling servants do not give us any rights. What the Constitution is, is its a contractual agreement whereby we agree to hire government employee hireling servants to service in specified duties and responsibilities and we define those duties and responsibilities in the Constitution of the United States of America, and we agree to pay them for their services. As it is a contractual relationship, and their violation of the Constitution is a breech of contract. Therefore, it is extremely vital that we read, know, and understand what the constitutional provisions are, what the restrictions are on government employees, so we can hold them accountable to the law that we had them to enter into, to uphold as the supreme law of the land.
Here are some points and authorities on that issue. All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. Marbury vs. Madison. 5 U.S. second cranch(?), 137 174 176, 1803. Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule-making or legislation which would abrogate them. Miranda vs. Arizona. 384 U.S. 436, p. 491. Now that means is if they pass all kinds of legislation, in these legislative assemblies, that are unconstitutional, you can totally ignore them. They cannot pass any kind of legislation that would abrogate constitutional protections and guarantees, etc., etc., etc.
Okay, now... an unconstitutional act is not law, it confers no rights and imposes no duties, affords no protection, and creates no office if... Correction: it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed. Norden vs. Shelby County. 118 U.S. 425, p. 442. The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having a form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void and ineffective for any purpose. Since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision, so branding it. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it. 16 American jurisprudence, second, section 177, and 256. So, its extremely vital that we know and understand our constitutional law that binds down government employees in this contractual relationship for them to serve us, because we have all of our rights from God and the only ones that we gave up were to hired government employees; we gave them specific duties and responsibilities that we would pay them to do. And its our responsibility to hold them to it.
Now, heres a summary of the ten planks of the communist manifesto to give you an idea of how communism is working in America through the Emergency Powers Acts of 1933 by Franklin Delano Roosevelt:
1. Abolition of private property. Now the question is, is do you own private property and, if so, is that the property that you have to go to the government to get permission to do something with?
2. Heavy progressive income tax. Do we have that in America?
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. Does the government control that?
4. Confiscation of property of arguments (?) and rebels. Do they have the power to do that?
5. Central bank. Do we have a central bank called the Federal Reserve, a foreign financial power?
6. Government controlled communication transportation. Do they do that?
7. Government ownership of factories and agriculture? Are they involved in that?
8. Government control of labor. Do that do that?
9. Corporate farms, regional planning. Do they do that?
10. Government control of education. Do they do that?
Well, if your answer is yes to these ten planks of the communist manifesto, youll be pleased to know that the government employees that you hired to protect your rights to life, liberty, property, and freedom, are imposing every plank of the Communist manifesto on a voluntary basis.
As a prelude to discussion of constitutional provisions, which is a contract to bind down government employees from illegal and extracurricular activities, we want to look at the Bill of Rights, Article 10, where it says the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people. That means we only gave the government duties and responsibilities in the Constitution. They have no other rights to do anything else. Everything else is within the peoples jurisdiction, thats under the jurisdictional authority and power of we the people of the United States of America. That is not their power -- thats our power. Its not their jurisdiction -- thats our jurisdiction. And theres ways you can waive that jurisdictional authority and power and Im going to show you how you lost it and Im going to show you to regain it as we get into the Constitution.
First of all, I want to draw a little bit more on the chart, on the democracy vs. republic program here. And were going to go... you know, were going to discuss a law of creation. And the rule of law of creation is that the created always owes a servitude to the creator because the created enjoys life because of the benevolence of the creator. So, we have the republic vs. democracy chart, and over to the right of republic we have God at the top. So God is the creator of the people, so just draw an arrow down the people. And, therefore, since God created the people, the people owe their servitude to God. Now we take the people and realize that government came as a result of the people creating it. Government did not create people; people created government. So, draw a line down from people, where it says ... and write in there state government - and write state Government with a capital G for government because this is the proper government that was formed constitutionally by the founding fathers to function in the United States of America. We were to be the sovereign power over the government, and we had the power through the jury system to nullify anything the government does that is unconstitutional, therefore, the powers to control government employees were retained to we the people of the United States of America.
Now, down from state Government, draw a line down to national Government. And do that with a capital G as well. Okay, now that puts the government in this country in the proper perspective. National government was the least powerful of all governments controlled by the state government by the people. And the state government was over the national government and a servant of the people, and the people rule over the state and the national government, and largely enforce that through the power in the jury system to nullify anything that they do that is contrary to the Constitution. Thats why they have sabotaged the jury system and controlled the juries to prevent the juries from abolishing unconstitutional laws. As a matter of fact, if you are selected for jury duties nowadays, one of the questions theyll ask people in a lot of these cases is, have you read and do you understand the Constitution of the United States of America or of the state and if you answer yes, youll be dismissed from the jury. They will not, they dont want anybody that has any knowledge as to the constitutional law on the jury nullifying their illegal and criminal activities.
Okay, now, rule of law being that you owe your servitude to whomever you receive your benefits from, since the people created the state government, the state government owes it servitude to the people, so just draw an arrow from state government up to the people. And because the state government of the people created the national government and the national government owes its servitude to the state and to the people. Okay, so now theres your chain of command and we have the way to correct it, any kind of a misuse of that system through the jury system. Thats why its so absolutely necessary that the juries start saying not guilty in any case where theyre denied to decide the law and where theyre denied to hear all the facts. Any time that occurs, that means its not a trial by jury; that means it has to be a not guilty verdict until the judges back off on trials by jury, start being the referee that they were designed to be and cease being a perverter of justice by sabotaging the jury and turning it into a mock trial by jury rather than a trial by jury.
Its very confusing, you know, to us when we see these jury trials going on and we still think we have liberty when we actually dont because theyre controlling all those juries behind the scenes. So you just have to look at it from a different perspective, how its supposed to work as opposed to how it is working. And I think youll start realizing, like I did, that the operation of governmental systems today is upside down, so if you just look at everything that maybe should be backward, the way that theyre doing it, youll probably find out that that would be the correct way to do it.
Okay now, the most important aspect in any kind of a governmental system is the control of the money. So any constitutional republican form of government , how is money created and how does it work? Well, the first foundational aspect for that is article 1, section 10 of the Constitution. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation, grant letters of marquis or reprisal, coin money, emit bills of credit, make anything but gold and silver coin a tender of payment of debts, pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law or law impairing the obligation of contracts or grant any title of nobility. So we see here that there is a specific restriction on government where the states cannot make anything but the gold and silver coin a tender of payment of debts, that mean the lawful money of account that we have to have in this day to circulate as money is gold and silver because we cannot pay any debt unless were paying it in gold and silver coin. And, the states were prohibited from coining money because that power was given to the national government to coin the money for the states. And the reason that they did that is because they wanted the money to be uniform throughout all the states. If the states all coined their own money, there would be different sizes and shapes for each and every state, and they wanted a standard of weights and measures so there would not have to be an exchange ratio between each of the states of the United States of America.
So the constitutional laws of the United States of America still require that gold and silver coin is the only lawful money. And the founding fathers did that for a very important and specific reason. They started printing what was called a continental, a worthless paper currency, and they printed so many of them at the outset of the establishment of this country that they created wild inflation and the inflation just about ravaged the country and almost destroyed their government at the outset. So, therefore, when the Constitution was formed, they put on there the restriction that no state can make anything but gold and silver coin the lawful payment of debt and that was the standard of money in this country, except for a couple of times when that was perverted and misused and that happened until 1913 when they broadened the Federal Reserve Act to take over, control the financial systems through a foreign financial power and counterfeit our money and pass it into the economy in order to rob this nation of its gold and silver. So, historically speaking, constitutionally speaking, gold and silver coin is the lawful money. And most people will say, well, is there enough gold and silver to go around? Well, of course, theres enough gold and silver to go around. Thats why we call Yellowstone National Park Yellow Stone. Theres so much gold there that its incredible. But theres plenty of gold and the reason for that is is whatever the amount of gold is, gold and silver is the lawful money of account, whats going to happen is the value of everything will be evaluated based on that particular, you know, supply of wealth called gold and silver in the exchange process. So, even if you did have a limited supply of gold, which youd consider not having enough, youd still have plenty because goods would just go up to match a limited supply of gold or prices would go down to match a higher supply of gold or silver. And the point is is that this is the supreme law of the land. In other words, you people out there that say, well we have to obey the law or we have to do whatever the law says and so forth and so on, ok, Im reading you the law. Now if you believe in obeying the law, this is what the law says. Gold and silver coin is the only lawful money. We have an obligation to force our government employees to come back to lawful money of account.