Gateway to Financial Freedom

Tape 1

Introduction and Overview


Hello, I’m Keith Anderson, and welcome to the Gateway to Financial Freedom lecture cassette tape series. The information contained on the tapes that you’re about to listen to have been developed by myself, Keith Anderson, and Anderson Arc Associates since 1979. I have a doctorate degree in common law. The doctorate degree was issued to me by the Universal Life University of Modesto, California, and that was an honorary doctorate degree for my work in common law. The common law work that I entered into in order to be recognized for this award, the doctorate degree, was the fact that I took on the Internal Revenue Service, and I lectured continuously to expose the criminal activities of the Internal Revenue Service since 1979, and as a result, I was charged criminally for not filing income tax returns with the State of California and the Internal Revenue Service put me under investigation and from the information that I had gathered since 1979, I utilized statutory rules and regulations and Constitutional law, which I created numerous criminal tax motions for my defense which resulted in the Internal Revenue Service dropping all criminal investigation against me. And after one year and nine months of criminal prosecution by the State, the State lost the entire file. I had created incredible, numerous defense motions for charges of not filing income tax returns that I sold all over the country which helped numerous people all over the country to fight their cases from a different point of view, which resulted in locking up a lot of the court cases and, of course, resulting in a lot of wins for charges of not filing income tax returns.

I have a bachelor of science degree in business administration. I have two accounting degrees. And the bachelor of science degree was a major in business administration. And in college, when I graduated from college, I received the Most Promising Student in the Field of Business Award. It is my endeavor and my goal to turn that award in to the Most Promising Student in the Field of Free Enterprise Award by helping more people in the United States of America and foreign countries to become free and engage in free enterprise as opposed to business as humanly possible.

I am married, I have four children and I have a wife who is very supportive of my endeavors to help free people all over the world from being servants to government employee hireling servants. I invite you to do the same. When I was becoming free, I was married at that time and I was raising two children, and still was able to study and learn and work at a job where I earned a living to take care of the family and still be able to engage in free enterprise activities, develop lecture materials, and lecture on Constitutional law and taxation that helped people to become free.

The information in this cassette tape series is designed to help you to see a doorway to freedom and a passageway that will open up incredible new opportunities to you in order to be able to save additional funds and accumulate additional wealth so that you can pay for everything in full, have absolutely no debt whatsoever, engage in free enterprise freely without any social security tax or income tax being due, and not be a victim of the Internal Revenue Service subject to liens, levies, seizures, and potential criminal charges for not filing income tax returns. The information contained in these tapes are designed to show you that there’s an easy, peaceful way to separate yourself from benefits from the government, therefore not being eligible for any benefits, not having any requirement to file income tax returns, having no requirement to pay income tax such that you’ll be totally left alone by those governmental agencies that are now treating you as a slave.

I have been in business a substantial portion of my working career. I started in business when I was seven years of age. I got a paper route. I bought my papers, I delivered them, I collected the cash, I paid for the paper bill, and I kept the rest -- no filing, no paying, no reporting, no social security number. When I turned 16, I went to work as a manager of a restaurant and I was going to school at the same time, and it just turned out that I liked business more than going to high school, so I worked 60-80 hours a week in the restaurant and I went to school to go to sleep. At that time, I have to admit that school bored me substantially because they just didn’t have the programs that were stimulating, that I had an interest in. Anyway, I did finish up the college as I had reported earlier. And when I was 17 years of age, I entered the military service, the Air Force, and I was in the Air Force for eight years as an administrative supervisor and, of course, not having the challenging and rewarding kind of a life that I needed, I left that military after eight years, which was four years later than what I should have left it. Upon coming out of the military service, the Air Force, I went into, back to college, got my college degree in business administration and that’s when I won the Most Outstanding Student in the Field of Business Award. And after I got out of college, I went to work as an independent insurance agent with State Farm Insurance. That was an exclusive agency. They do have independent insurance agents where you’re not an employee so you work for them as an exclusive independent contractor. I was an insurance agent for seven years. I worked hard. I built up a sizable agency, but found that the harder I worked and the more that I made, the more taxes that I paid and the more I just accumulated more debt and I saw a hopeless situation. The experience with the insurance company and the fact that no matter how much more I earned, I just kept on seeming to be more in debt and still didn’t have the ability to save. I started researching and studying Constitutional law and taxation to find out what the problem was because all these taxes we were paying to the government did not make any sense to me. That endeavor led me to study Constitutional law, which revealed the fact that there was no lawful basis for the social security program or the income tax or the social security tax. And that led me into an incredible study and a lecture tour beginning in 1979 that led to radio and TV talk shows all over California and surrounding states. And in those talk shows, I exposed the Internal Revenue Service as a bunch of lying, stealing, cheating crooks. I gave a substantial number of lectures. To date I have given many thousands of lectures across the United States of America and in foreign countries on Constitutional law and taxation and the proper role of government in the lives of the people of the United States of America.

In my lecturing and my exposing of the government’s criminal activity on radio and TV, I was charged criminally with not filing income tax returns which led to a criminal prosecution of the Internal Revenue Service against me. Three months into that prosecution, the Federal government dropped all criminal investigation, and one year nine months into the State case, the State lost my entire file and it all disappeared. Now this is when other people were being found guilty, we had a defense where I could beat them in a number of different ways by their own rules and regulations or, of course, by Constitutional law. And, of course, that’s when I found out that the government and the courtrooms do not obey Constitutional law, that the courts are basically puppets of the executive branch of the government and they are not protecting the people’s rights as the Constitution requires them to do. This led me into an investigation as to where the government gets their power from, to threaten and intimidate and harass people, and take substantial amounts of their earnings away from them without due process of law, and it allows them to lien, levy, and seize property without due process of law. A substantial portion of my education came from the 70s when I very, very carefully, over a number of years during the 70s, studied Biblical law and I introduced Biblical law into my life in an attempt to learn what God’s will was for me in His kingdom so that I could learn how to serve Him perfectly. And the more that I studied the scriptures, the more that I realized that the governments of the world were in conflict with God’s commandments, God’s statutes, and God’s ordinances.

After the criminal prosecution and the state losing its case, I had went to Nassau, Bahamas, and I was the executive vice president of an insurance company -- it was a trustee for trusts in Nassau, Bahamas -- and that’s where I engaged in the substantial learning of trust law and how to utilize trusts to either reduce or eliminate taxes. As executive vice president of the insurance company, I funded, approved the funding for the development of a complex business organization that would help control taxes to making taxes totally exempt on earnings, I should say up to 95% of the earnings, and in many cases, it can be up to 100% if the people are willing to reorganize their life to have 100% on the tax savings. And these programs were introduced and offered to many people across the United States of America. As a matter of fact, we were a major instructor and teacher on the proper implementation and utilization of trusts in the United States of America since 1979. And, of course, I should say to the average, everyday citizen of the United States of America, because up until that time, very little was known about trust law except to those people that engaged in international trust activities, for example, the rich who were, of course, utilizing provisions of the Internal Revenue code to lawfully avoid paying income tax.

Now what we want to do is we want to define what lawful is versus legal, etc. You’re going to find those definitions in this cassette tape series, so what I want to do is I want to go on and describe to you the circumstance which led me to discover how easy it is to remove yourself from the, what we call the system and that is the taxation by the Internal Revenue Service. After having studied substantially the statutory rules and regulations, having studied the common law, having studied the court cases, and the procedure that they go to enforcing provisions of the Internal Revenue Service code, and finding out that in the court system they do not go by Constitutional, lawful, due process of law procedures, I realize that even though I had one in my case, had I not solved the problem for millions of Americans and it was my duty, my job, to find a method of solving the problems for millions of Americans so they could be free, as I have found the freedom myself. I have not filed an income tax return or paid any income tax or social security tax since 1979 and, yet I still pay all lawfully-owed taxes, because when I use the roads I pay the gas tax by buying the gasoline, and I pay for the defense of the country because all apportioned taxes to the states, I would be more than happy to pay if they were ever apportioned, if they were lawful and Constitutional; and I pay all the duties and imposts and excise taxes that I’m required to pay. And, of course, as for the purchase of products. But I’m not required to file income tax returns or to pay the income tax because I’m not eligible for any benefits from the Federal Security Administration, Social Security Administration, Washington, DC; therefore, I’m not engaged in a commercial, contractual obligation to support them; and, of course, the Ponzi scheme and communist program of social security.

The substantial educational information that I utilized to free myself from the clutches of the system, was the study of the Holy Bible from cover to cover in a very methodical way, attempting to learn all of the principles of conduct that it’s important for us to follow in order to be in compliance with God’s commandments, statutes, and ordinances. The study of God’s law, which is contra- distinction to man’s law, gives you the rules and the principles of your requirement to serve the system in the event you make yourself eligible for benefits from the system or your requirement to serve God if you make yourself eligible for the benefits God has to offer you. This incredibly, wonderful study of the Holy Bible took three months, every day, 8-10 hours every day, and it was the most valuable and rewarding experience I’ve ever had in my entire life. And it’s the experience of studying the Bible that set me free from the bondage of the world and I give God all the glory for my freedom because it was He that went before me, fought my battles for me, and delivered me the victory. So, hallelujah, praise the Lord.



In 1981, in fact it was before that, it was probably back in about 1980, I had been on radio and TV substantially, calling the IRS a bunch of lying, stealing, cheating crooks, and at that time I was an exclusive agent with the State Farm Insurance, and they called me in and they said they didn’t think that it was appropriate for their types of agents to be out there on radio and TV calling the IRS a bunch of crooks. And they wanted to know my side of the story and, of course, I gave them the law that showed them that there was no law that required anyone to be filing income tax returns to which they readily, you know, admitted was correct. However, they said that they could not stand, of course, what would be the political pressure upon them by allowing an agent associated with them, you know, engaging in an activity that would discredit the Internal Revenue Service because they didn’t want that kind of a political profile. So they asked me to cease and, of course, I refused to do that. I kept on calling the IRS a bunch of lying, stealing, cheating crooks on radio and television so the State Farm Insurance called me in and they said that they wanted to buy me out and they wanted to buy me out on a monthly pay-out basis and I says, nope, I’m not going to take a monthly pay-out basis. If you want to buy me out, you would have to pay me off in full. They says, no, we’re not going to do that. I says, fine, I’m going to keep on doing it then. And I kept on going out lecturing and teaching about the criminal activities of the IRS on radio and television. So they called me in again and they said you can have whatever you want and they did cash me out in full for the insurance agency, so they went their way without my influence to discredit, of course, their wonderful insurance program, and I went my way without having to compromise the intelligence that I had gained from the study that I had done by, of course, serving them, which I had decided not to do.

So, anyway, that resulted in the fact that I no longer had an insurance agency and I was paid off, you know, for the insurance program so I no longer had to work for them. And that leads to the car business. I had my own used car business. The problem with the used car business, that I had gotten a car dealer’s license from the Department of Motor Vehicles and I had to go down, you know, on a regular basis to register cars and I had to put up with their insulting mannerisms in order to give them fees in order to register cars with them. And you know how they behave? They behave like you’re there to serve them and you’re nothing but a bunch of trash and they’re there to order you around like that’s all you are is just a bunch of trash. And it’s kind of a pathetic circumstance and, of course, the problem that I had was the social security number was tied to the dealer’s license, so I decided to close down the automobile dealership. I sold all the cars. I closed down the warehouse I had rented to warehouse the cars. And that left me without any kind of a source of revenueS inside the system. That’s when I totally reorganized in free enterprise.

And when I did reorganize in free enterprise, it was kind of unusual because a lot of people would go out and try to find some kind of another job to work. What I did is I put a piece of paper in a typewriter. It was not a computer in those days, it was a typewriter, so that tells you how old I am. Yes, I was raised in the typewriter age, not the computer age. I have, however, transformed into the computer age and use them very, very efficiently and effectively. Anyway, I put a piece of paper in a typewriter and I typed out a contract whereby I would offer services to people to take care of their administrative problems with the Internal Revenue Service on a fee-for-service basis and it was an annual membership fee. And I started giving lectures on the criminal activities of the Internal Revenue Service much more substantially and I created #1) 85% of the Irwin Schiff Freedom League -- in other words, I signed up a tremendous amount of people which resulted in about 85% of the membership of the Irwin Schiff Freedom League. And then I created Constitutional Patriots Association, which is an association that studies Constitutional law and enforces Constitutional law to help people to become free and exercise their rights by Constitutional authority. And then I created what is called the Freedom Guide, which is a newspaper that I got up to 30,000 distribution and sold all over the country. And when I went through the criminal prosecution, I utilized the Freedom Guide to sell the motions I had developed all over the United States of America. Through that process I have authored How to Find Missing Persons, Patriots’ Research Guide, American Patriot in Court, Introduction to the Common Law Trust, The Freedom Guide, and Freedom Trust or Bust. All these publications are no longer in print, so if you do call and ask for them, I have to say I’m sorry, I have not kept those up. Those are all publications I introduced in the early 80’s. They were very, very good and informative publications, they were very, very well researched, had a lot of supporting cases to them. However, I was presenting those from a point of view that you will be wasting your time on if you go to study those. I’m going to show you a totally different way now of solving your problems peacefully with the Internal Revenue Service.

I encourage you to very, very carefully study the lecture material you’re provided very, very carefully and numerous times, and then when you call one of our information officers for your introductory consultation, please ask about Man’s Search for Sovereignty by Bernie Bersheres. Bernie Bersheres is a student of mine who worked very, very hard to implement all the procedures in order to obtain his freedom. He had substantial difficulties with the Internal Revenue Service. By implementing these principles of freedom that I teach and other principles that he’s learned, he was able to settle those problem peacefully with the Internal Revenue Service and was able to attain his freedom. And now he lives free from any governmental regulation or control and he does not get any more mail from the government. And I have not received any mail from the government since 1985. And that’s no filing or paying of income taxes or social security taxes since 1979 in my particular case.

The development of Constitutional Patriots Association led me to being requested by an insurance company in the Bahamas to take over as executive vice president and to develop a more substantial trust program in the Bahamas because of the 1986 tax reform package that substantially limited people’s abilities to use foreign trusts in the United States of America. That’s what led to the development of the complex business organization which I approved the funding of and, of course, I was responsible for hiring the people that we brought together who were specialists to develop that program. And that program is still alive and well and works very, very well and we have experts to support and back up the validity of that program to this day.

And I would like to also mention that the experience that I developed in the trust program area with the insurance companies in Nassau, Bahamas, lead me to the establishment of corporations in the Grand Turk Islands which gave me the ability and opportunity to be able to create foreign trusts in a foreign jurisdiction, offer those to people all over the country such as yourselves. And through this continuous effort to help people with their freedom and free enterprise in the United States of America, utilizing these foreign trust organizations with the cooperation of great, wonderful patriots supporting friends in Costa Rica, we’ve been able to establish a substantial system of banking that allows us to get Visa cards without any social security numbers, no filing, no paying, no reporting. Of course, we get those with foreign trust organizations that don’t have any requirements of these types of reportings so they can utilize those accounts freely. And I want you to understand how significant this is because it is the banking system that really is the government. In the United States of America, the banking system was taken over by a foreign financial power that goes back to Great Britain, so what we want to do is realize that the correction of the problem in the United States of America is a financial correction; it’s not going to be one that’s going to be easily dealt with with guns or cannons or nuclear bombs because the government has all the incredible weapons that could ever be developed in the history of the world, the most sophisticated ever, that they could destroy you with if a gun’s battle were to ensue. And that’s not what we want to do. We don’t want to lose, but we want to win. Now what we have on our side is we have right on our side, we have God on our side, we have got the ability to be able to control the financial systems because it’s we the people, in the United States of America, that create the wealth in this country. It’s we the people that have a right to control that wealth. So, we have the right to demand the banking system be operated to our benefit since we’re the ones that they’re holding the funds for. Those are our funds in the banks and they do not belong to the bank. It’s a result of our labor. We have a right to control those funds and make the banking system work according to our needs. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to develop financial relationships that serve us and not, you know, other people, other powerful people who are trying to utilize the banking system to flow wealth in their direction.

Through the development of these resources in Costa Rica and also in Grand Turk Islands, we’ve also been able to develop great banking relationships in Austria, and we’ve been able to establish satellite organizations that support our organization in Canada, of course the United States of America, and Costa Rica, and I have brought all this activity under the auspices of Anderson’s Arc Associates and the Gateway to Financial Freedom, a lecture cassette tape series, to get this out to as many people as possible. You’ll find our supporters to be ready, willing, and able to help you with consulting needs, if it is no more than maybe a foreign trust, to help establish a relationship with a foreign banking organization where there is no requirement to file or pay or report, no requirement to have social security numbers, and of course, up to a complex business organization that would help reorganize established businesses to reduce taxes up to 95%. Our people are ready, willing, and able to assist in those matters. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Global Prosperity Group for their professionalism, their dedication, their hard work, and particularly their dedication to free enterprise and helping people to learn that they have a right to engage in contractual relationships for enterprise and freedom of speech, freedom of religion, without having to go the government and begging them for a license to do so. I want you all to know that you do not have to have a license to offer these tapes to other people. You have the right to do that and I’m encouraging you to exercise that right because this first step to freedom is gaining your financial freedom, your financial independence. That means it’s extremely vital for you to say I have a right to do this. I have a right to this freedom of association, this right to freedom of free trade, and freedom of religion and freedom of speech, and I’m going to do that because once you’ve established yourself as a free enterprise entrepreneur, and you’re receiving revenues to support your family from free enterprise, you no longer have any need for any eligibility for benefits from the government. You can rescind the social security number; you can send it back to them and you can be free from those tyrannical controls, the threats, intimidation, harassment, to lien, levy, and seize and sell property, and to lock you up if you don’t do as you’re told by the government. All those things will be history. There will no longer be a part of your life. You can learn how to buy and own and control property and how to live free in America. And I encourage you to get on that road today. God bless you all. I thank you. Be with me and I will be with you. By working together, our freedom will be restored if we have the desire to restore it.

Once again, I’m very thankful for the Global Prosperity Group management, for their professionalism and dedication to freedom and free enterprise. And I’m going to deliver this message to you in thanks for your support in supporting our program and we stand ready to serve you. God bless you, and best wishes, and enjoy the tapes.